Help Needed for Memorial Weekend Race

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Aloha Members,
This is a re-post due to lack of response. Please help us out.
For those not planning on racing Memorial Weekend we could definitely use some assistance.
We're in desperate need of pit stalls for our out of town racers or non members wanting to race. If you're not using your stall please let us know so we can accommodate these racers.
We're also looking for pre race and post race set up and clean up crews. It's a long weekend and the board could use the help.
Parking attendants, non racing members can assist in coordinating spectator parking. We expect a large crowd and we need some type of control to keep everything organized. Please contact us if you can aid with any of these listed above.
We will be performing track surface prep Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 4:00 pm. Work will consist sweeping and washing. If you have hand held/backpack blowers, brooms and dust pans will aid in the process.
VITA Board
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