Event Schedule for Sunday May 28, 2023

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The last day of our 24th Annual George "Flintstone" Andrade Memorial Weekend Drags is upon us.
Here's what's going down today.
Event Schedule for
May 28, 2023
1:00 pm - Gates open to everyone

2:00 pm - Racer Registration/Tech open
2:30 pm - Honor Guard and National Anthem
3:00 pm - Tribute to George Classic car parade
4:00 pm -Qualifying begins
Number of rounds based on time allotment.
Eliminations to start 30 minutes after the completion of qualifying.
Program -
Bracket 1

11.49 and quicker
Bracket 2
11.50 and slower
Pro Bikes
13.00 and quicker
Super Shifters
(H pattern transmissions only)
Pay outs -
BRKT 1, BRKT 2 and Pro Bikes.
$500.00 Winner
$250.00 Runner up
Super Shifters
$100.00 Winner
$50.00 Runner Up
8:00 pm – Main Gate close (No entry)
10:00 pm - Racing Ends (Pot is split among remaining racers if class is not completed)
Non Points event.

General Admission $12.00
Student 9 to 17 $10.00
Children 8 and under Free
Pit Parking $10.00 (Limited)
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