This Saturday August 17, 2024 Endless Summer Cruise and Night Show

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It's time to get your rides ready for the biggest car show to hit Maui in years. The Endless Summer Cruise will conclude it's day at Maui Raceway Park for an evening fun and beautiful rides. The Show and shine will offer multiple classes as well as a $500 Best of Show cash prize sponsored by Aloha Gold Buyers. The show will take place in our large staging area under the lights.

Aloha Members,
Our 2024 Endless Summer Cruise and Car show will be here soon. Gate revenue generated from this event will go to VITA as a fund raiser for our club. To make this event a success, we are requesting members participate and show their race cars. This will give our fan the opportunity to look at our cars and meet the drivers under a relaxed environment. As an incentive, VITA will be offering our members a 4 hour work credit for those who show their cars at the show. For those interested in attending please contact Director Shawn Motonaga to be placed on the roster.
Please come out and support the event.
Mahalo VITA Board
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