George Flintstone Andrade Memorial Weekend Drags Event Poster and Schedule



It keeps getting better!!! Mahalo to Brandon Harima and Aloha Gold Buyers for the added payout money for Saturday nights Fast Gas Class. Added monies now increases the payout to $1000 for the winner.

We would like to give a huge Mahalo to our class sponsor NextGen Auto Center for kicking in prize money for all the classes. Please support those who support us!!!

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24th Annual George “Flintstone” Andrade Memorial Weekend Drags Event Schedule
Friday May 26, 2023

2:00 pm - Gates open
3:00 pm - Racer Registration/Tech open
Program -
Test & Tune, Licensing runs - 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
8:00 pm - Main Gates Close. No re-entry.
$10.00 General Admission
$10.00 for Pit parking (Limited)
Saturday May 27, 2023
10:00 am - Gates open to Racers and Crew only
11:00 am - Racer Registration opens
1:00 pm - Gates open to Public. Parking attendants/Law enforcement will be handling Parking.
9:00 pm – Main Gate close (No entry)
3:00 pm - Qualifying begins. Number of rounds based on time allotment.
10:00 pm - Racing Ends (Pot is split among remaining racers if class is not completed)
Sportsman 12.00 and slower
Pro-Sportsman 10.00 to 11.99
Fast Gas 9.99 and quicker
Pro Bikes 13.00 and quicker
$500.00 Winner
$250.00 Runner up
NextGen Racing Sponsored
$50.00 semifinalist
Licensing Runs (provided they ran on Friday night and was not able to complete their 6 runs)
General Admission $12:00
Students 9 to 17 $10.00
Children 8 and under Free
Pit Parking $10.00 (Limited)
Sunday May 28, 2023
1:00 pm - Gates open to everyone
2:00 pm - Racer Registration/Tech open.
2:30 pm - Honor Guard and National Anthem
3:00 pm - Tribute to George Classic car parade
4:00 pm -Qualifying begins
Number of rounds based on time allotment.
Bracket 1 11.49 and quicker
Bracket 2 11.50 and slower
Pro Bikes 13.00 and quicker
Super Shifters (H pattern transmissions only)
BRKT 1, BRKT 2 and Pro Bikes.
$500.00 Winner
$250.00 Runner up
Super Shifters
$100.00 Winner
$50.00 Runner Up
8:00 pm – Main Gate close (No entry)
10:00 pm - Racing Ends (Pot is split among remaining racers if class is not completed)
General Admission $12.00
Student 9 to 17 $10.00
Children 8 and under Free
Pit Parking $10.00 (Limited)
Due to the overwhelming amount of vehicles trying to enter our pit area, we will be limiting the amount of pit parking passes sold. Once that has been met, no other vehicles will be allowed in. All member issued parking and sponsor passes will still be allowed access till 8:00 pm when gates close. Please have them park in designated parking areas.